Mt. Discovery |
Well here I am writing from McMurdo Station Antarctica. It is a little strange to be back to the ice again after a year away and with no expectation of returning. This time around it feels more down to business that the last. But ironically I have already done more exploring and already have had more fun. This probably has to do with the fact that this time around I am a grantee rather than working for Raytheon and...not being all torn up about a divorce. Anyway...
The cathedral in Cathedral Square. |
Christchurch was a lot of fun! As soon as I dropped my bags off in the hotel room I put on my running shoes and hit the streets. The first run in over two months felt great! I tread lightly down through the streets of the city until I arrived at the botanic gardens. Once there, I made a big loop taking in the beautiful sights and smells of blooming trees, bushes and well... flowers. The air was literally sweet with blooming plants. I then crashed totally exhausted from 30-some hours in planes and airports.
These guys had a video game system! |
The next morning I woke up itching for another run. So I threw on my shorts and headed out the door. I started to jog and saw a big radio tower on top of one the Port Hills outside of town. It looked a little ways away but not too far. So I went for it, I figured I had five hours before I needed to be back to go get ECW gear. Running through town was nice, I just meandered around finding my way and stopping for a quick granola bar I was able to buy at a corner store. After a bit more running and getting some directions from a kid about how to get to the trailhead of that hill I arrived at the entrance of a little valley that led up the radio tower. On the way up the steep trail birds were calling from the pine trees and mountain bikers were clunking down their special trails.
To my relief near the top there was a water fountain! I drank about 2 liters of water before heading out and had a sip of someones lost of stashed water bottle laying on the side of the trail, by now I was pretty thirsty. So I drank up and got on my way. I made it to the tower soaked in some views of the ocean and ran back to town. The way down being a sheep shit adventure! Overall the run was about 15 or 16 miles and felt great!
Helicopter in the plane with us. |
The next day I got all packed up and headed out to the airport. Once there it was pretty routine. Check bags, eat breakfast, watch video get on the plane and go. I will say that this is the first flight I have ever shared with a helicopter!
The entrance to the observation tube. |
Once at McMurdo we all found out that our flight to the pole had been canceled and that we most likely wouldn't leave until Thursday. So a couple nights in Mac Town it is.
This morning I went for a lovely run out to Hut Point and back. Later I was able to go down into an observation tube under the sea ice and see all the crystals. It was pretty amazing.
Under the sea ice. |